
작성일 : 24-10-17 15:42
 글쓴이 : sineki5581
조회 : 214  
According to media reports, colorectal surgeon Yan Rongcheng shared two cases while attending the "Focus 2.0" program recording. Although these two 28-year-old women had no family history of cancer, they both had similar bad living habits. The first woman was constipated for a long time and often stayed up late. She didn't fall asleep until after 1 a.m. every day. He worked at a well-known tutoring street more than a year ago. Every day after get off work, he would buy a pack of crispy salted chicken and eat it home. Later, he went to the doctor because of blood in his stool. After a colonoscopy, he was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer and underwent surgery and chemotherapy.
The second woman worked as a waiter in a dance hall. In addition to her habit of smoking, she often drank unfinished whiskey from customers. After drinking like this for more than a year, the woman sought medical treatment for upper abdominal pain. After a colonoscopy, the presence of the tumor was discovered. The pathology report showed that it was stage 3 colorectal cancer, and chemotherapy was currently being carried out.

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